Jandali Plastic Surgery

Patient of the Month - Tummy Tuck at the same time as Hysterectomy

May 24, 2013 @ 05:14 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Hysterectomy

Tummy Tuck with Hysterectomy

This patient is a 32 year old female from Bridgeport Connecticut who needed to undergo a hysterectomy for heavy menstrual bleeding.  After her previous pregnancies, she had excess loose abdominal skin and stretch marks.  In addition, she had separation of her abdominal muscles in the middle, called rectus diastasis.  This gave her quite a prominent bulge that was worse when she was straining or doing any exercises.  Exercising did not improve the bulge or make her abdomen any flatter.  She was interested in a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) at the same time as her hysterectomy.  This is a safe procedure and saves the patient from undergoing anesthesia twice. 

Tummy Tuck Result in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Her surgery was performed and she had a hysterectomy, a full abdominoplasty, repair of the separated muscles (rectus diastasis repair), and liposuction of the sides (flanks) of her abdomen.  This gave her a nice, smooth, and tight abdominal contour.  The before and after images show her only 3 weeks after the surgery.  She is incredibly happy with the flat contour and the result.  Her scar is hidden completely beneath her underwear.


Click Here for more Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

Contact Us at Jandali Plastic Surgery

If you need an ObGyn surgery, such as a hysterectomy, and you are interested in a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) at the same time, then call Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali.  Dr. Jandali will explain the entire surgery during your consultation and answer any questions that you may have.  Call us at (203) 374-0310 for an appointment.