Jandali Plastic Surgery

Breast Implant Revision

Jun 9, 2013 @ 12:00 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

For our patients in Fairfield County, breast augmentation is performed to improve the shape of the breasts, give the breasts a fuller appearance, and leave women more confident in their appearance. Occasionally, patients will come to us because they are dissatisfied with their implants or have experienced complications. Dr. Shareef Jandali, a leading Bridgeport plastic surgeon, can correct these problems through breast implant revision.

Reasons for Breast Implant Revision

When a woman makes the decision to undergo breast augmentation, she expects to be satisfied with the results. Sometimes problems occur that indicate there were errors made during your initial surgery or the implant was not placed in the best location. In some instances, your body may have a negative reaction to the breast implant. Another common source of complaint arises from a variety of problems with the implants.

Rippling of Breast Implants

This term is used when the implant becomes wrinkled or wavy looking. This is especially a problem when it is visible through the breast. Rippling may be due to a leaking or under filled implant but it is often related to the placement of the implant and an insufficient amount of tissue to cover the implant.

Low Breast Implants

Implants can appear as though they have dropped to a lower position. In some cases, only one implant will drop, making the condition even more noticeable. This sometimes indicates that the implants were placed too low to begin with, but the issue can also arise if the implant is too heavy or cannot be supported by the lower chest muscle.

Capsular Contracture of Breast Implants

This is a condition in which the body has a negative reaction to foreign material in the body. This condition can cause a significant amount of pain, in addition to visual abnormalities to the breast. Some steps that may help you avoid this condition including placing the implant below the chest muscle and massaging the breasts daily.

Breast Implant Size Too Small or Too Big

After seeing the final results of surgery, some patients may be unhappy with their cup size and wish they had gone with a smaller or larger implant.

Breast Implant Leak or Rupture

The most common reason for a leak or rupture is an implant that has weakened over time. Implants generally last around 10 years. Occasionally, trauma, an overfilled implant, or damage during surgery can cause a leak or rupture.

Breast Implant Revision

Dr. Jandali can address all of the above concerns through breast implant revision. A solution will be determined based upon your unique situation. Some treatments include:

Schedule an Appointment

If you are dissatisfied with the results of a previous breast augmentation, schedule an appointment with Dr. Shareef Jandali today. Dr. Jandali will listen to your concerns and determine a treatment to give you the breasts you desire.  Call our office at (203)374-0310 for a consultation.