Jandali Plastic Surgery

Top Breast Augmentation Myths

Jul 11, 2013 @ 05:58 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation in Fairfield, Connecticut

While breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure – almost 300,000 were performed in 2012 – urban myths about breast implants are still often perceived as the truth.  See if you thought these statements were true.



1) Saline implants are safer than silicone implants


Silicone implants were off the market for several years due to a largely media-based scare that claimed the implants were causing diseases in women.  However, silicone implants were still allowed for breast cancer reconstruction in women with breast cancer, already sick from the cancer and chemotherapy.  This was an obvious inconsistency, because why would silicone implants not be allowed for healthy patients, but then be allowed for patients with breast cancer?  In 2006, the FDA gave them their full approval, but conditional upon continued monitoring.  Today, silicone breast implants are considered completely safe.  There is not a single scientific study that has ever shown a link to any cancer, autoimmune disease, or connective tissue disorder.  In addition, the newer generation implants used today are much more durable and less likely to leak over time.

2) Under the muscle will make implants look smaller


Under the muscle can make implants look more natural, but never smaller. The extra layer of covering of muscle over the implant means that less rippling of the implant is seen, making them look more natural under the muscle.  One of the only times implant are used above the muscle is in women who are body builders, where the constant flexing of their pectoralis muscles would cause distortions of the implants if they were under the muscle.  Either way implants are done, an experienced surgeon can still deliver your desired breast size. The final implant size used will depend on your specific breast anatomy, your chest size, and your desired look after augmentation.

3) You cannot breastfeed after you have had a breast augmentation


For most women, breastfeeding after receiving breast implants is absolutely possible. As long as mammary glands have adequate blood supply and room to grow, they will produce breast milk.  However, the nipples must have good sensation in order for the breast milk to be let down and flow to the baby.  Using an incision around the nipple can decrease the ability to breastfeed because some breast ducts may be cut and the sensation to the nipple can change.  The preferred incision used for implant placement is therefore underneath the breast in the breast crease.  This incision does not violate or cut any of the breast tissue, giving the best chance of breastfeeding after surgery.  Be sure to discuss your desire to breastfeed with your surgeon during the consultation. 

4) Breast implants have a 10-year lifespan


There is no absolute number representing the lifespan of your implants. As long as your breast implants remain intact without any leakage, there is no reason to replace them once the ten year mark is hit.  Studies show, however, that up to 30% of all women who have breast augmentation will replace their implants by the 10 year mark. Physical changes (with aging, pregnancy, and breastfeeding) or changes in personal preference (the desire for a different size breast), often lead many women back into the cosmetic surgeon’s office.

5) The bigger, the better with breast implants


Your age, body type, and available breast tissue, will determine what size implant is best for you. Remember, going too large increases the risk of back problems, poor implant position, and eventual sagging.  Try on a variety of implant sizers – under your own clothes – and stick within the range of safe sizes that your plastic surgeon gives you before your final decision.

Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos (click here)

Patient from Fairfield Connecticut after Breast Augmentation


Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about breast augmentation in Connecticut, schedule a consultation with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali.  Dr. Jandali performs over 200 breast procedures a year.  Call us at (203) 374-0310 for a consultation.  We look forward to seeing you at your appointment.