Jandali Plastic Surgery

Long, Luscious Lashes with Latisse

Jul 18, 2013 @ 08:03 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Latisse Eyelashes

Latisse Eyelash Treatment in Connecticut

Every woman wants long, luscious eyelashes.  They make women look younger, more refreshed, and sexier.  Unfortunately, not every woman is blessed with thick and supple lashes, leaving many feeling that their only options are mascara and the occasional eyelash extensions for special occasions.  But why not have long, beautiful, and full eyelashes all the time?  Latisse® is a prescription treatment that causes the eyelashes to grow in longer and thicker.  It has excellent, proven results within just weeks of treatment.

Longer Thicker Eyelashes with Latisse

Latisse solution is a prescription treatment used to grow eyelashes, enabling them to grow longer, thicker, and darker.  Latisse is a product of Allergan, the manufacturer of Botox and Juvederm.  Latisse is FDA approved for the cosmetic treatment of eyelashes.  Bimatoprost is the active ingredient in Latisse, and was originally approved for treatment of glaucoma, when it was noticed that treated patients had longer and fuller eyelashes.  Latisse is available only through a physician.  It is used once daily and is applied with a small soft brush applicator to the base of the upper eyelashes.

How Long Does it Take for Latisse to Work?

It is important to note that great eyelashes don’t just happen overnight.  Latisse works gradually with full results seen by week 16 of use.  Once you begin, you must continue applying the topical solution each night and follow the directions for best results.  If you stop using Latisse at any time, your eyelashes will return to their previous appearance over several weeks to months. Users can expect to obtain longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes beginning at eight weeks, with full results present in 16 weeks.  

Latisse for Eyebrows

Latisse is FDA-appoved for use on the eyelashes to grow them longer and thicker.  However, many people use it off label to help regrow eyebrows or to grow thicker eyebrows in thin areas.  It is important to apply it symmetrically only in areas where brow hair is desired.

Latisse for Hair Loss

Allergan, the maker of Latisse, also have ongoing clinical trials being performed testing it on scalp baldness.  The trials enrolled men ages 18 to 49 years old with mild to moderate male pattern baldness.  The results are still being studied, but if the results are positive, this could be a huge market in the future for male pattern baldness.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in Latisse in Connecticut for longer and thicker eyelashes, stop by our plastic surgery office to learn more or to purchase Latisse.  Call 203-374-0310 to set up an appointment.