Jandali Plastic Surgery

Safe Labiaplasty in Connecticut

Feb 24, 2019 @ 06:59 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Labiaplasty Feminine Rejuvenation

Finding a Labiaplasty Specialist

If you are considering a labiaplasty, you first need to find a qualified surgeon. You should find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with experience in feminine rejuvenation and female genital cosmetic surgery. Dr. Jandali is Board Certified and performs a high volume of labiaplasties. In addition, Jandali Plastic Surgery offers other non-surgical procedures for vaginal rejuvenation that can be combined with a labiaplasty for the overall desired cosmetic and functional result.

Before and After Labiaplasty

When choosing a Labiaplasty Surgeon, you want to be sure to look at many before and after photos. They give a good idea of what end result can be expected. You want to ensure that the “After” photos are taken once the patient is totally healed, once all swelling has subsided and the scars have faded.

Dr. Jandali strives to obtain a natural result, by not excessively shortening the labia minora and keeping them in proportion to the clitoris and clitoral hood. If the labia minora are made too short, or totally removed, the clitoral area appears too prominent and sticks out abnormally. We encourage patients to look at the clitoral area when browsing through before and after photos on the internet. In addition, it is important to not lift or reduce the clitoral hood excessively, as this can lead to chronic exposure and irritation of the clitoris.

Our patients are very satisfied with the end result and appearance. The scars fade quickly and it doesn’t look like anything was done.

Link to Labiaplasty Before and After Photos

Labiaplasty Consultation

Once you have done your research into your surgeon and looked at before and after photos, the next step is your consult. During your office consult, we will discuss what your concerns are and what cosmetic result you are trying to achieve. We will review the surgical technique, recovery, and risks of the procedure. We come to an agreement on the goals of surgery. We can then book the procedure date for a time that fits your schedule.

Link to Main Webpage on Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty Anesthesia and Surgery

Dr. Jandali performs most labiaplasties under local anesthesia in the privacy of our office procedure room. Dr. Jandali will mark out the area of the labia that will be removed. The plan and markings are reviewed with the patient with a mirror, allowing any modifications based on patient desire. An ice pack is then applied to the area to help numb it. The labia are then injected with an anesthetic which lasts 3 days, called Exparel. Most patients go without any further pain medication except Tylenol. 

Labiaplasty Recovery

We give patients clear instructions in order to minimize swelling and speed the healing process. Patients can use an ice pack on the area the night of the procedure, with a cloth barrier to avoid frostbite to the skin. This helps decrease any swelling and bruising. We ask patients to avoid any activities which cause friction to the area for one month, like exercise or sexual activity. Patients are to avoid tampon use and should use feminine pads instead. We give prescriptions for an antibiotic, pain medication, and an anti-fungal in case of any yeast infection. Patients can return to exercise after 4 weeks and sexual activity after 4-6 weeks. 

Labiaplasty Side Effects

The most common side effects after a labiaplasty are swelling and bruising, to which everyone has some degree. Infection is very rare, as we give antibiotics before and after the procedure. If the sutures are left in place for too long, they can cause constrictions in the skin edge, known as scalloping. Dr. Jandali uses special buried sutures to avoid this problem and any stitches placed on the skin surface are removed within 2 weeks. 

Contact Us for a Natural and Safe Labiaplasty

If you are looking for a safe labiaplasty with natural results, call our office to schedule a consultation: 203-374-0310.