Jandali Plastic Surgery

Abdominoplasty Surgeon in Connecticut

Apr 25, 2023 @ 02:33 PM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
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Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, as well as tighten the abdominal muscles. It is commonly sought out by individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or have had multiple pregnancies and are left with excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles. Here are some of the most common questions about abdominoplasty.

Who is a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty?

A good candidate for abdominoplasty is someone who is in good overall health, at a stable weight and has excess skin and fat in the abdominal area that is resistant to diet and exercise. Additionally, they should have realistic expectations for the procedure and be a non-smoker.

What Happens During an Abdominoplasty?

During the surgery, Dr. Jandali makes a low abdominal incision that should be hidden underneath underwear. This allows removal of all the skin and fat from the umbilicus (belly button) down to the incision. Liposuction is almost always included to contour the upper abdomen and sides of the abdomen. The upper abdominal skin then gets pulled down at the end of the surgery to tighten it. Dr. Jandali will also tighten the abdominal muscles and correct the rectus diastasis. Drains are placed and the incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures.


Before & After Abdominoplasty

Before & After Abdominoplasty


What is the Recovery Like After Abdominoplasty?

The recovery period after abdominoplasty can vary depending on the extent of the surgery. Generally, patients can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling and bruising for several days to weeks after the procedure. They will need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for 6-8 weeks after surgery. We ask patients to wear a compression garment for at least 3 weeks to help with swelling and support the abdomen. 

Are there any Risks or Complications with an Abdominoplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with abdominoplasty. These can include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, scarring and anesthesia risks. Dr. Jandali will review the most common risks and complications before the procedure.

How Long do Abdominoplasty Results Last?

The results of abdominoplasty can be long-lasting, but it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain the results. Weight fluctuations, pregnancy and aging can all affect the appearance of the abdomen over time.

Abdominoplasty Before & After Gallery - Click Here


Can Abdominoplasty be Combined with Other Procedures?

Abdominoplasty can be combined with other procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or as part of a mommy makeover. It is important to discuss any other cosmetic desires with Dr. Jandali before the abdominoplasty in order to see if the surgeries can be combined, which could save on the costs of anesthesia and the operating room, as well as only having one recovery. 

How Long Does an Abdominoplasty Take?

The length of the procedure can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and how much liposuction needs to be performed, but typically it takes between three and four hours.

Is an Abdominoplasty Painful?

Patients can expect some discomfort and pain after the procedure, but this can be managed with pain medication and Valium.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Alternatives To Abdominoplasty?

There are non-surgical options for fat reduction in the abdominal area, such as Coolsculpting and Emsculpt NEO, but these do not address excess skin or muscle laxity like Morpheus8 or other treatments might. It is importnat to discuss the best treatment option for you with a member of our team.

Coolsculpting Main Page - Click Here

Emsculpt NEO Main Page - Click Here

Morpheus8 Main Page - Click Here

Patient Testimonial:
"After losing so much weight I still felt very discouraged by my pouch and extra fat in my tummy. It was hard to workout with all the extra weight. But after undergoing a Tummy Tuck with Dr. Jandali I'm feeling fantastic! I love my new body! I get soooooo many compliments and being able to wear a maxi dress without feeling so self conscience about my belly is amazing. I am 1000% satisfied!! I cannot believe I'm going to wear a two piece!! I love it and feel so good in it!!!"

Will I Have Visible Scars After an Abdominoplasty?

Yes, there will be scars and they are permanent. They should fade significantly with time. Dr. Jandali will try to place the scar as low as possible so that it is hidden by clothing. We will also give you instructions on how to care of the incision with scar cream and silicone sheets in order to minimize scarring.

Can I Get Pregnant After Abdominoplasty?

It is generally recommended that women wait until they are finished having children before undergoing abdominoplasty. Pregnancy after the procedure can affect the results and additional surgery may be needed to restore the original appearance of the abdomen.

How Soon After An Abdominoplasty Can I Return To Work?

The length of time before returning to work after an abdominoplasty mostly depends on the type of work you do. In general, if you have a desk job, you can expect to take about two weeks off from work. If you have a job that requires to be more physically active, you may need more time and potentially up to 6-8 weeks after surgery.

Patient Testimonial:
"Dr. Jandali and his entire staff are extremely knowledgeable, efficient, pleasant, and accommodating. It is obvious that they take pride in their work. They are very serious and committed​ to their patients' success. The abdominoplasty Dr. Jandali performed for me (2 weeks ago today) surpassed my expectations on every level. I was up on my feet right away and any discomfort I experienced was very manageable."


Will Insurance Cover the Cost of Abdominoplasty?

Insurance will not cover the cost of abdominoplasty as it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Insurance companies will sometimes cover a panniculectomy, which only removes very low hanging skin of the lower abdomen, without liposuction or tightening of the muscles.

How Much Does Abdominoplasty Cost?

The cost of abdominoplasty can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the surgery and whether it's combined with any other procedures. In general, the cost for Dr. Jandali's fee, as well as the operating room and anesthesia fees, is over $12,000. Financing options are available that can spread out payments for 6 months up to 2 years.

Contact Us - Abdominoplasty

Call our practice today for more information and or to set up a consultation with Dr. Jandali: 203-374-0310.