Jandali Plastic Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery Connecticut

May 23, 2013 @ 11:46 AM — by Shareef Jandali M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Lift Mastopexy Breast Augmentation

Reasons for Breast Sagging

Aging and gravity definitely take their toll on a woman’s breasts over time.  In addition, weight loss, pregnancy and breast feeding can cause once perky breasts to start to sag.  Sagging of the breasts is called “ptosis” and can be corrected with a breast lift, or a mastopexy.  Breast lift surgery is performed by Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali for patients in Connecticut with sagging breasts.

Breast Lift in Connecticut

During a mastopexy, none of the breast tissue is removed and the breasts are not reduced in size.  Rather, the skin around the breasts is tailored to lift the nipple and areola along with the rest of the breast to give a lifted and perkier contour.  This helps restore the youthful appearance of the breasts.  The surgery will also reduce the size of enlarged or stretched out areolas (the dark colored areas around the nipples).  Further, if there is a difference in size or droop between the two breasts, this will be corrected at the same time.

Scars after Breast Lift in Connecticut

There are multiple different incisions that can be used for a breast lift.  New surgical techniques allow the use of shorter incisions in the vast majority of women.  Some women just need an incision around the areola, which is camouflaged by the darker color of the areola.  Most women need a vertical mastopexy, which includes a scar around the nipple and one down to the bottom of the breast (“lollipop scar”).  This incision gives the best shape to the breast that lasts the longest.  In women with very saggy breasts, sometimes an additional incision is made in the fold underneath the breast (anchor incision).  This scar is hidden on the underside of the breast, but usually heals without difficulty. 

Breast Lift Before and After Photos in Connecticut (click here)

Breast Lift Photos of Patient from Fairfield Connecticut


Breast Implants with a Breast Lift

If additional volume is needed to fill the upper part of the breast, a breast augmentation with implants is performed along with the breast lift. 

Recovery after Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure.  Patients go home with pain medication and anti-nausea medication in case there is any nausea after anesthesia.  Everyday activities are resumed within a few days after surgery.  Most patients can drive and return to work within 1-2 weeks after surgery.  No heavy lifting or exercise is allowed for 6-8 weeks after surgery.   

Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in being evaluated for a breast lift in Connecticut, and to determine if you need a breast augmentation as well, schedule a consultation with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali today.  Call 203-374-0310 to set up an appointment.  We look forward to seeing you!