Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation will give you larger, fuller breasts with better shape and projection. This can significantly enhance your body image and confidence. These aspects of breast augmentation make it one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States.
Breast Lift
Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) can correct sagging of the breast, but will not change the size of the breasts or fully round out the upper part of the breast. For this reason, a mastopexy is often combined with breast augmentation to restore volume and give a fuller look.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin, to achieve a breast size that is in proportion with your body and helps alleviate your symptoms. Dr. Jandali uses new short-scar techniques as well as the traditional Wise pattern.
Inverted Nipple Correction
Inverted nipples are quite common and can affect one or both nipples. Not only can inverted nipples cause self-consciousness and embarrassment, but they can also lead to irritation and inflammation around the nipple due to difficulties in hygiene and trouble breastfeeding.
Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
Male breast enlargement can be due to hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, steroid use, or certain medications. It can be embarrassing and cause pain. The extra tissue can be removed with a variety of techniques including liposuction and direct excision through small inconspicuous scars.
Fat Grafting to Breast
Fat grafting can be used to augment the size of the breasts without implants. The BRAVA external tissue expander is used pre-operatively and post-operatively to create an enlarged breast space to ensure greater survival of the transplanted fat. The results feel completely natural.
Breast Implant Revision
The national revision rate after breast augmentation is about 25%. Many women need breast revisions or corrections to: increase or decrease the size of the implants, correct rippling, correct asymmetries, or to fix capsular contracture.
Congenital and Adolescent Breast Deformities
Congenital and adolescent breast deformities can be disfiguring and have significant psychological impact on a young adult. These include tuberous breasts, inverted nipples, extra nipples or breast tissue, and pectus deformity.
Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Jandali dedicates half of his practice to breast reconstruction and uses the most advanced techniques. These include nipple sparing mastectomy reconstruction, direct-to-implant reconstruction, tissue expander reconstruction, and DIEP flap reconstruction.
Nipple and Areola Reduction
For women that have excessively large or prominent nipples, Dr. Jandali performs nipple reduction surgery in the office procedure room under local anesthesia. The areola is the pigmented skin around the nipple and when too large or wide, the areola can also be reduced in size.