What are the Scars after a Labiaplasty?

Invisible Labiaplasty Scars

The scars from a labiaplasty heal so well that they are very difficult to detect unless someone is really looking closely for them.  They soften and fade with time, becoming less red in color and less sensitive.  It usually takes months and up to one year for the scars to fully mature.  Scar massage with a hypoallergenic lotion or scar cream can be performed to speed up the process of scar maturation and softening of the scars. 

Labiaplasty Scar Location

Labiaplasty scar location depends on which method is used for the labiaplasty: wedge excision or straight line excision.  The wedge technique leaves a scar that is in the middle of the labia and out to the side.  The straight line technique leaves a scar that is at the edge of the labia, but not across the labia.  The straight line excision avoids having malalignment of the edges that can be seen with the wedge technique.  The wedge technique can also have mismatching of the colors of the different parts of the labia with the pink inner mucosal surface not aligned with the darker outer skin surface.

Contact Us about a Labiaplasty

If you have uneven or large labia and are interested in a labiaplasty, come visit our plastic surgery office in Fairfield County, Connecticut.  Call 203-374-0310 to set up an appointment with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali.  We look forward to seeing you!

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