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Birthmark Removal Fairfield Connecticut

Woman with moleIf you have a mole that is unsightly, uncomfortable, or potentially malignant, Dr. Shareef Jandali performs Mole Removal at his practice serving Westport, Fairfield, Bridgeport, and communities throughout Fairfield County.

Moles can be bothersome to patients. In some cases, the development of a mole may indicate skin cancer. In addition, they often are unattractive, large, raised, or even hairy. They can be found anywhere on the body, but those on the face are most noticeable. If there is any rapid growth, pain, bleeding, itching, scabbing, or change in color, the mole should be biopsied. A biopsy procedure will provide your team with a diagnosis to determine if the mole has to be removed. During your mole removal consultation at our practice, this process will be discussed in detail.

Mole Removal Connecticut

When a mole is removed, for either cosmetic or medical reasons, the procedure can be done in our office procedure room under local anesthesia. The mole is removed with a small incision that is placed in a location and orientation that gives the best cosmetic outcome. The incision is usually repaired in two fine layers to help prevent widening of the scar.

The removal of moles that may indicate the presence of cancer (or those that have been biopsied and show atypia) is covered by insurance. However, those that are removed for cosmetic reasons only will not be covered by insurance.

Contact Us about Mole Removal

If you have a bothersome or undesirable mole that you would like removed, come visit our plastic surgery office in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Call 203-374-0310 to set up an appointment with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali. We look forward to seeing you!

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